April 2, 2010

The blah, blah, blah about the iPad

The iPad. It is a pretty hot topic: a constant flow of tweets about the latest news of this gadget, 35 million hits on Google, friends discussing whether they should buy one or not and so on. Everyone is talking about it; everyone has an opinion about it. The buzz about this new device: it’s what I call the blah, blah, blah about the iPad.

So, let’s start with the basics: what is the iPad? According to Apple it is “a magical and revolutionary product at an unbelievable price”. Woohoo, what a marketing slogan! Or in normal language: The iPad is a portable multimedia tablet-pc with a multi-touch screen of 9.7 inch and it weighs around 1.5 pounds. You can read books on it, listen to music, watch movies, play videogames, browse the net etc. etc. Nothing peculiar about it, right? Then what’s all the talk about? Well, first of all, it is a new product from Apple. And Apple = buzz guaranteed. Second of all, apart from the talk about what the iPad can do, there is also a lot of talk about what the iPad can’t do and what programs it doesn’t support.

One of the things that lead to criticism was that the iPad doesn’t support Flash. Apple says that it will create negative effects for the performance of the iPad. However, no Flash means that websites and internet videos will not fully work. Second, multi-tasking is no option on the iPad. Writing a document with four websites open: never gonna happen on the iPad. There is also no camera on this newbie. You can watch photos on it, but no camera?! What the? Moreover, you can’t connect a USB-stick to the iPad: you will need an adapter. Hmmm, that’s too much work for me. And last, the iPad doesn’t have widescreen, which means you will have to watch movies in a 4:3 ratio, just like the old TVs.

Off course, it is not all bad people, there are also advantages. Like I said it can do a lot: eBooks, games, videos, photos etc. and all that on a large screen. Plus the iPad is pretty. Someone on the internet gave the following description: “No one does tech-sexy like Apple”. True. Furthermore, the price really is considered unbelievable. The expectations were that this device would cost around $999, while the starting price is $499. Okay, it is still not cheap, but it is way cheaper than $999.

To buy or not to buy, that’s the question. Do you already have an answer?


  1. Dear Desiree,

    The first comment on your blog.

    I found your blog when I was looking for some information about the I-pad. And I must say I like your blog. You're at least not like everyone who started a blog just because they were bored. So that really is a good thing.

    But after your last update I got a little dissapointed. Do you really think you're not getting any comments because people don't know how it works? I actually felt a little insulted as a loyal follower of yours. It isn't bad to get any comments you know. People most of the time only place comments if they don't like what they're reading (and that's exactly why I place this comment).

    So I would like to give you some advise: no news is good news! Don't be sad if no one reacts on your blogs. That's just a good sign!

    Further, good luck with your project (how long does it take actually?) and I hope to hear new things from you soon!



  2. Hello Jenna,

    First of all, thanks for your comment and for reading my blog. I am sorry that you felt insulted by my last post, because that post was definitely not written to insult anyone. I had written that post, because I got some questions on how to make a comment. Since I figured that maybe more people had that problem, I decided to write a blog on how to make a comment.

    This is actually the first time I write a blog, so I may not know all the "rules". I always thought that you should get comments on your work. But your comment about not getting any, gives it a new perspective. I have never thought of it that way. Another lesson learned during writing this blog.

    For this project, I will still have to write two more blogs. I don't know if I will continue blogging after that, I would like to, but I am not sure yet.

    I hope to see you around and thanks for reading.


